What is Parler and how does it work?

Parler is a Twitter-like social media app launched in 2018 by John Matze, who is still its chief executive officer. A user can post text or images, which other users can then comment on, give a vote of approval, or “echo”, which appears to be the Parler version of a retweet.

Unlike Twitter, it appears to not offer a “discover” page or “trending topics” – instead you have to seek out and search for the accounts you want to follow.

There are supposedly only two rules on Parler: first, no posting anything unlawful and two, no spam. Parler “does not remove content based on politics or ideology”, the company said in a statement, and is “dedicated to free speech”.

Who is using Parler?

As of late July 2020, the app had by its own account more than 2.5 million users, but it probably has more now given its recent increase in downloads. The content posted primarily leans to the right, with many users stating they joined because Twitter would not allow them “free speech”, some using the hashtag #Twexit to show they had left Twitter.

We are looking into how this new social network will operate in comparison with Facebook and Twitter. Stay Tuned!